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Find bibliometric indicators and articles from ANVUR's group A journals

Where to find a journal's Impact Factor

The Impact Factor (IF) is a bibliometric index developed by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) in 1961. It measures the average number of citations received in a given year from articles published in a scientific journal in the previous two years.

The calculation of the IF is performed automatically from the Journal citation reports (JCR), available within the Web of Science database.

Check the Journal Citation Report user guide.

Where to find an author's H-index

The H-index, or Hirsch index, is a criterion devised by the physicist Hirsch to quantify an author's scientific production and impact.
It is determined by the ratio between the number of published papers and the number of citations received from each of them.

It is possible to calculate an author's H-Index in all major bibliographic-citation databases: Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar

Where to find the list of ANVUR's A group journals

If you are requested to find only articles that come from journals of ANVUR's A group please note that:

  • ANVUR is the National Agency for the evaluation of the Italian University System and the quality of research. It's a public body controlled by the MIUR (University and Research Ministry)
  • A group A of journals is a list of journals that should be characterized by a higher average quality (without prejudice to the inevitable variability in the quality of the individual contributions actually published). 

To find the list of journals within the 13th area (Economic and Social Sciences) classified in group A by ANVUR, connect to the dedicated page and select "Area 13 - Riviste di classe A".

The resulting file is sorted alphabetically.

If you need to compile a bibliography of articles limiting yourself to category A journals, follow the instructions in this video tutorial (english version coming ASAP).

Last update: 17/10/2024