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If you have the bibliographical reference of the article you are looking for, you can copy and paste the reference into the main search field of Eureka or Google Scholar.

If you cannot find the article, it is because it is not included with our subscriptions. In this case you can contact BEM ( to request copies of the article from other libraries (document delivery).

ou are looking for articles on a given topic, search on Eureka, Google Scholar or on a specialized bibliographic databases.

If you need to find articles in Italian, you can also use the Essper database.

When researching articles, keep in mind the distinction between academic, professional and popular journals.

Academic journals (scholarly)

These are scientific journals whose title includes words such as "Journal", "Transactions", "Proceedings", "Quarterly", "Rivista", etc.
The authors of the articles are researchers and experts of various disciplines and their affiliation to the institutions of origin is certified. The articles are checked by subject matter experts who evaluate their contents, scientific solidity and academic value. The target audience is made of professionals in the field, the language is mainly academic and technical. Articles include abstracts, keywords, references, and notes. They are usually not printed on coated paper, do not contain advertising, and do not have colorful graphics or illustrations.

Industry or professional magazines

Professional magazines are aimed at a general public of a specific field of interest, often referred to in the title of the magazine. The frequency of publication is usually from weekly to monthly. Authors of the articles are industry specialists, articles lenght ranges from short to medium, they often have illustrations, graphs and tables and may or may not include citations and bibliographic references.

Popular magazines

Popular magazines are geared towards informing and entertaining the general public. They usually have an attractive and glossy cover, articles lenght ranges from short to medium and they are interspersed with advertisements. The authors are either staff members of the journal itself or freelance writers. Citations and bibliographies are rare.

Last update: 17/10/2024